What is the best place for spas & massage in Da Nang?
A massage is a great way to recover from a hectic day. You come out refreshed and ready to face anything. If you are enjoying a busy Vietnam holiday, there is little better. Massage techniques have been developed over centuries in Asia and the Vietnamese are certainly experts. There is so much to see and do in the Country so it is important to recover at the end of the day because there is likely to be another packed schedule the following one. Most Vietnam travel packages pass through Central Vietnam with Danang the obvious base. It is Vietnam’s third city after Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City and as such has all the amenities expected by today’s tourists; and that includes the traditional massage.

Several of the best spa and massage facilities are in the 4 and 5-star hotels, located both on the beaches and in the centre of the City. You can expect to get luxury; scrubs, massages, facials, body wraps and reflexology. In the case of Danang, there are businesses that specialize in spa and massage treatment available for booking anytime. Sen boutique Spa – where you can expect to get the chance to relax and enjoy a massage.
Sen Boutique Spa’s the best Spa & Massage in Da Nang – Vietnam